Saturday, January 15, 2022

2022 PowerPC Challenge writeup

This honestly wouldn't be a challenge for me. It isn't -- I own a few x64 machines, but for the last several months 75% of my non-mobile computing has been done on PowerPC Macs from the 2000s. And I honestly haven't even had much difficulty with it; I guess my demands may be light, but they've handled what I've thrown at them with aplomb. As such, this won't really be a success report.

My main computer right now is this iBook G4 1.42GHz with maxed out RAM running Sorbet Leopard. I would like to try Linux, but that will have to wait for the SSD mod. Alongside it are an iBook G3 900MHz and a Power Mac G4 450MHz that I mostly use for Mac OS 9.

I'm not sure how to format this post, so I'll just sort of describe the sorts of things I can do with each.

Hands-on with an iMac G5... and some regrets. (Part 1)

This story begins, as all good stories do, on eBay. I was looking around at Apple PowerPC hardware as one does when they can't buy a Rap...